Tuesday, September 23, 2014

6 fee beyond the cost of college tuition support

College does require a lot of costs, in addition to tuition fees and living expenses, there was still supporting tuition costs budgeted sometimes forget,
or actually exceeded our expectations. What are the costs of supporting the college? Let's look further ...

1. Textbook Each course may require more than one textbook. Tertutama if subjects such as literature, you may need to buy a lot of novels. Depending on the state where your college, of course, the price of the book is different. For example in the UK, there are students who say that requires about 100 pounds a year to the cost of politics and history textbooks. The price of the book is also of course different for each subject. For example, a book for law courses can be more expensive than statistical textbooks. For more details on this information, you can visit the blog university of your choice and ask them.

As a student would not be able to attend classes without textbooks. So these costs can not be eliminated. The good news is this cost can be saved. You can buy used books. There is a certain bookstore that sells used books. And there is also a campus bulletin board announcement of seniors who want to sell their textbooks that do not use anymore.

Usually the university will hold an event to sell used books. This event can be managed by student associations. So for those who want to sell their books could collect the book and fill in the data as well as the sale price, after that, sororities will sell these books. Once sold, the money will be returned to the owner of the book. If you want to buy a used book, one thing that must be considered is the edition of the book, if the edition is too much with books recommended by your professor, the book was not up to date anymore. But you can teteap buy the book and copying parts no longer contained in the book edition.

Other solutions, you can borrow textbooks from the library. But of course no time limit, you can not borrow throughout the semester. And limited supplies in the library, you have to scramble with the other students. For textbooks shall not advisable to borrow at the library, you should have the book. If a used book is not available, you can buy a new book and then sell it once the book has been completed is used.

2. Tools supporting lectures
It depends majors that you take. For example, for the Department of Business, Law and other theoretical, usually not necessary supporting equipment. However, for the Department of Design, Catering and which are more practical, it would cost more to purchase the necessary equipment. For example, the design department needs to buy materials and tools to create a task (eg model house for interior design majors), majoring in culinary need to buy cooking equipment to practice during the lesson.

Regarding the range of costs, you can ask the university, or the university student to access the blog and ask them. Sometimes there is also the university's website that provides a chat facility.

3. Print this fee Regular course material is provided online at the university computer network. You need to print such material. File lectures usually in PowerPoint format. You can take the file in the computer lab and then print it there. To print charge. If in Malaysia typically charge 10 cents per page, in the UK cost 5p per page for black and white prints.

Alternatively, you can save the file and print your own on your printer. Typically the student buying the printer itself, because in addition to the material kulliah, they also often print assignments, articles, journals or other materials.

4. Field Visits
Sometimes there are lessons to conduct field visits. Depending on the university, this fee is sometimes covered sometimes not.

5. computer 
The University provides the facility of computers and the Internet and software. But it would be more practical if you have your own computer. Due to the use of computers in the lab very much. And computer labs are not open 24 hours. If you have your own computer would be more practical.

6. Cost Internships
Internships are not always mandatory, but is sometimes used as a requirement to complete a course. Sometimes paid internships, and sometimes not. Depending on the company you intern.

What is meant by the cost of the internship is the cost of transport and food expenses. Internships are not always near where you live. During the internship goes, you still have to pay tuition. But this depends also on the company you intern. There are also companies that bear the cost of transport and the cost of your meals during the internship.

However internship is work experience important for you to take. This will increase your employment prospects after graduation.

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